Amy C. Fineburg (she/her) is the director of AP Psychology for The College Board, supervising the development of curriculum, instruction, and assessment of the AP Psychology course and exam given to over 300,000 students annually. She started her career as a high school psychology teacher in metro Birmingham, Alabama. An award-winning teacher, she taught for 14 years before spending 10 years as a high school, district, and state-level administrator, advocating for teachers of all subjects to use psychology. Amy has written teaching resource packages for best-selling AP and on-level high school psychology textbooks, and presented in several areas of her expertise at conferences that include (but are not limited to) APA, AP Annual Conference, National Council for the Social Studies annual conference, Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s annual conference on teaching, and the Harvard’s Strategic Data Project. She co-leads an annual PsychFriday public educational workshop in Birmingham, Alabama, with Dr. Stephen Chew of Samford University and Trudy Loop of the Altamont School.
Amy is an APA Fellow with STP and has served as president, vice president for awards and recognitions, and teaching awards chair. She has also served APA as chair of the Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) Committee and as a member of the Board of Educational Affairs (BEA). She has been a part of several major projects and events for APA where she has advocated for high-quality psychology instruction and training, including chairing the 2011 National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula revision committee and co-chairing the 2017 APA National Summit for High School Psychology Education. She has received two presidential citations from APA for her work with the high school psychology curricula. She is a 2019 alumna of the APA’s Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology (LIWP).
Amy earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology, English, and secondary education from Samford University. She holds a master’s degree in educational administration, also from Samford. She earned her PhD in educational psychology from the University of Alabama, exploring teacher explanatory style. Amy is a Certified Instructional Leader through the Council of Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS) and an alumna of the Alabama Superintendents Academy.