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Belinda Hinojos, PhD

Belinda Hinojos, PhD, attended the University of Kansas (KU), where she completed her bachelor’s degree in psychology. She received her master’s in psychology from KU, and then completed her PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Hinojos is a staff psychologist and the training director with Morningstar Counseling in Lincoln, Nebraska. She works under the health transitions and system of care grants funded by SAMHSA to provide mental health services to American Indian and Alaska Native communities in Nebraska. This work includes outreach and services to the Little Priest Tribal College and the Nebraska Indian Community College. Hinojos is also working towards gaining APA internship accreditation for Morningstar.

Hinojos previously held the position of training director at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln’s counseling and services (UNL-CAPS). Throughout her career, she has focused on increasing access to quality mental health services for people of color. She began her work at UNL-CAPS as the diversity coordinator and Latinx outreach specialist. Prior to starting her doctoral program, Hinojos worked at a community mental health agency in Kansas City providing mental health services to the Latinx community. She is an active member of the National Latinx Psychological Association and the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA). She serves on the standing committee on diversity for ACCTA.

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