Anita Thomas, PhD, is the executive vice president and provost at St. Catherine University. In her role as the chief academic officer, Thomas provides strategic leadership for academics at St. Kate’s. She created and is leading the implementation of the University’s first Academic Master Plan, which supports the University’s strategic plan and delivers on our legacy of academic excellence and commitment to women, Catholic Social Teaching and Catholic intellectual tradition, and the liberal arts.
Thomas has more than 20 years of experience in academia, both as faculty and an administrator. Her research interests include racial identity, identity socialization, and using culturally affirming counseling approaches with African American families. She has conducted training seminars and workshops on multicultural issues for state and national professional organizations in counseling and psychology, hospitals and corporations, and human service organizations.
Thomas previously served as founding dean of the College of Applied Behavioral Sciences at the University of Indianapolis. She also spent 10 years at Loyola University Chicago teaching in the Counseling Psychology and School Counseling Department and serving as the associate dean of academic affairs and research in the School of Education. Thomas has served as chair of the Committee for Children, Youth, and Families for the American Psychological Association, and president of the Society for Child and Family Practice and Policy.
Thomas holds a doctorate degree in counseling psychology from Loyola University Chicago, specializing in family therapy and multicultural counseling. She earned a master’s degree in community counseling from Loyola, and a bachelor’s degree in education and social policy from Northwestern University.